Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Ads

I have provided you with a link of the ads that are available from the "Fur is Green" campaign.

Is this Eco-Fashion?

*Click for a larger picture

Don't forget to be an activist! *shakes head*

*Click for a larger picture

I just do not understand why people feel the need to wear fur in modern societies that have access to so many alternatives. We are in an era of conservation and cutting back. Humans need to stop putting so much value on "stuff" and image. I am often told I only care about the 'cute' animals. Wrong, snakes, lizards and other reptiles (often protected species) are made into clothes and accessories and I am advocating for them too, perhaps more so because there is no "I require it for the climate" defense. I also hear the "If you don't cull animals the stronger species will kill all the weaker species. Look at the wolves! They kill all the Elk so we need to shoot them from the sky with sniper rifles..." My response to this is "Nature has a way of sorting things out." Usually I am told that society is different now and people cannot live with wild animals that closely. Actually, if you you research Chernobyl ( you will see that if given an area with zero human contact nature can and will sort itself out, even in a nuclear blast zone.

This is not an easy topic to discuss with people, even within the animal advocate groups there are sides and lines drawn. Some people say the seal hunt can happen if the animals are killed in a humane way. Others say that science has proven that the seals are not depleting fish stocks so they should be left alone. So what is the truth? What is your opinion? What is your side?

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